Virtual training weekend

April 2022

With such a far-flung team, not all of the training can be in person! Each team member is committed to a heavy-duty individual exercise program, but sometimes the long hours of tyre dragging can be a challenge. Enter the virtual tyre drag! Each team member completed an eight hour tyre drag over the same weekend, updating each other constantly through voice messages, photos, and videos, ensuring there was plenty of support (and friendly ribbing) throughout.

It’s rare in our day-to-day lives that we spend eight hours on the same repetitive task without distractions but this is what we’ll experience in Antarctica. Longer tyre drags are of course important for physical training but more than that they are mental training, helping us build the resilience we’ll need on the expedition.


Hardangervidda National Park


Cold Chamber, University of Warwick, Coventry